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School of Philosophy and Human Sciences


The School of Philosophy and Human Sciences (CFH) is the largest academic school for Human and Earth Sciences in Santa Catarina and ranks among the most prominent teaching and research institutions in Brazil. It offers nine undergraduate and nine graduate programs, alongside a wide array of tutoring, research, and outreach initiatives. These initiatives include projects on diverse aspects of social reality, including education, health, environment, social movements, among others.

The CFH infrastructure includes 57 research centers, three institutes (the Gender Studies Institute – IEG, the Brasil Plural Institute – INCT, and the Memory and Human Rights Institute – IMDH), over 70 laboratories, a planetarium and observatory, a Psychological Care Service (SAPSI) teaching clinic, and a wooded area for study and recreation.

In compliance with the Brazilian Law for the Inclusion of Persons with Disabilities (Law No. 13,146, of July 6, 2015), the CFH provides accessible facilities, including an elevator and integrated walkways, ensuring barrier-free access to its spaces.


:: Anthropology
:: Geology
:: Geosciences
:: History
:: Museology
:: Philosophy
:: Psychology
:: Sociology and Political Science

Undergraduate Programs

:: Anthropology
:: Geography
:: Geology
:: History
:: Indigenous Intercultural Education of the Southern Atlantic Forest
:: Museum Studies
:: Philosophy
:: Psychology
:: Social Sciences

 Graduate Programs

:: Social Anthropology | master’s | doctoral degree
:: Natural Disasters | professional master’s degree
:: Geology | master’s | doctoral degree
:: Philosophy | master’s | doctoral degree
:: Geography | master’s | doctoral degree
:: History | master’s | doctoral degree
:: Psychology | master’s | doctoral degree
:: Sociology and Political Science | master’s | doctoral degree
:: Interdisciplinary Studies in Human Sciences | doctoral degree


CFH has more than 180 qualified faculty members, the majority of whom work full-time. In addition to teaching in undergraduate and graduate programs, they actively contribute to research and outreach initiatives, coordinating and participating in research groups registered with the National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq).

Learn more about the CFH faculty members by visiting each department website.

Contact us

Contact the School of Philosophy and Human Sciences at diretor.cfh@contato.ufsc.br or +55 48 3721-6320.

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